Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Managing Family With Effective DoDots System

You often meet parents talking about the failures of chore or behavioral charts. DoDots replaces these printable family chore charts effectively by bringing a simple and complete all-in-one system to manage your whole family. Our program is a fun and motivating way to teach family members to be responsible and independent. We provide metal board and frame with all other necessary tools like instruction set, dots, magnets, stickers, cap seals or pads etc. Our whole system is designed in a way that you will never need to buy any manageable charts again.

DoDots is a simple, but effective research based management technique for all type of families. We use time tested behavior concepts for children, combining a token economy and leveling system into easy-to-use system:

Token Economy: It is a simple way to reinforce positive behaviors among kids by giving tokens. Children can use these tickets to purchase favorite items or toys at our store. Parents fill the store with those items that are most motivational for their children. By this way, our system allows for learning budgeting concepts as delayed gratification and savings.

Leveling System: Our leveling system helps to earn privileges i.e. it ties the levels to specific behaviors. Levels are categorized according to the requirement and age of the family member or children. It successfully creates a common language and expectation associated with the children’s responsibilities.

Leveling is somewhat different concept from token economy, but Dodots includes both these concepts and is designed specifically for all families. It continues to work every year as the children grow, without the need of any extra goal or chore chart. You can see your children’s progress only by looking at single board rather than viewing individual charts for each child. This makes our system simple and effective. If you are frustrated from the bad results of various printable family goal charts; visit us at; our system will provide you with the optimum solutions.

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